You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including John Kilroy, chairman and CEO of Kilroy Realty Corp., and his longtime friend and former rector the Very Rev. Gary Hall; we picked John’s brains about our plan to build affordable housing on 25% of our church campuses … senior staff at St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park, back in person for our monthly SSWG check-in … deacon and priest colleagues from around and near the San Gabriel Valley, aka Deanery V Clericus, convened by their dean the Very Rev. Canon Michael A. Bamberger at Sierra Madre Episcopal Church of the Ascension … and (finishing up with housing, too!) the board of Episcopal Communities & Services, our innovative affordable housing partner, where James Rothrock is CEO, Bob Long is chair of the MonteCedro, and housing advocate the Rev. Tim Hartley is my representative on the board (I was along to thank ECS for their partnership and talk about our 25% initiative).