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Almighty God, we feel so low when events spin out of control — in the White House, our neighbor’s house, sometimes our own house. We want to fix things, and we want those in power to listen to us. When we can’t, and they don’t, we can be short work for the sharp teeth of cynicism and discouragement. But your Christ came among people who had been brought low by the ebb and flow of history, desperately low compared to most of us, and lifted them high, that they might see in your face a vision of transformative love. By his life, teachings, death, and resurrection, Jesus anointed us with the true power — to pray for and forgive our enemies, feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, free the captives, visit the prisoner, comfort those who grieve, work for justice, and accomplish your purposes of reconciliation by our serial acts of everyday kindness, humility, and love. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.