Gracious and loving God, according to the wisdom of the zodiac, the year of the rabbit will put to good use the Christian’s gifts of gentleness, flexibility, and adaptability. This New Year’s Eve, a darkness fell that was so dark as to make the heart of those who love you best doubt your promise that the darkness will never overcome the light. As we mourn those who died and pray for those who are recovering from their injuries – mindful of the whole community of AAPI people traumatized by this act of savagery – give us each the discerning wisdom of the rabbit, to know how we are to continue to be in this world – your prophets of peace and love, your gatherers of light and truth, your pastors when any person is suffering, sick, or alone. By your spirit of power, may we find the way to our better selves, even when the world is at its worse. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
— My prayer at Sunday night’s Episcopal Asiamerican Ministries Lunar New Year service and celebration at St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church in Monterey Park. The photo shows clergy colleagues gathered for the occasion.