For 15 years, the Rev. Dr. Dan Heischman has served as executive director of the National Association of Episcopal Schools, making him chief guru for the practical miracles of Episcopal identity and Anglican comprehensiveness in independent education. He’s retiring, as is, coincidentally, his Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles counterpart, Canon Serena Evans Beeks, who helps shepherd nearly 40 diocesan schools — including Campbell Hall, whose head of school, the Rev. Canon Dr. Julian Bull, hosted a reception tonight on campus for Beeks & Heischman, the name of the leadership-in-love consultancy I presumptuously envisioned for them. As their buddy and colleague for a couple of terms on the NAES governing board, I got to say a few words, as did Dan’s successor, the Rev. Dr. David A. Madison. It was a joy to be in the thick of so many of my schools peeps, including Patti Peebles from St John Chrysostom Church and legendary chaplains, teachers, and former heads of school too numerous to mention.