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The Bishop's Blog

Thoughts and reflections from Bishop John Harvey Taylor

Daily prayer: Ignatius of Loyola

Daily prayer: Ignatius of Loyola

Almighty God, who called Ignatius of Loyola to the service of your Divine Majesty and to seek you in all things; Give us also the grace to labor without counting the cost and to seek no reward other...

Daily prayer: William Wilberforce

Daily prayer: William Wilberforce

Let your continual mercy, O Lord, kindle in your Church the never-failing gift of love; that, following the example of your servant William Wilberforce, we may have grace to defend the poor, and...

Daily prayer: The Philadelphia 11

Daily prayer: The Philadelphia 11

O God of Persistent Grace, you called the Philadelphia Eleven to the priesthood and granted them courage and boldness to respond, thereby opening the eyes of your church to the giftedness and...

Celebrating the ordination of women

Celebrating the ordination of women

One of the 11 women ordained and consecrated as priests 50 years ago today in Philadelphia, the Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward, theologian and professor, will be the keynote speaker at our annual Episcopal...

Daily prayer: 10th Sunday after Pentecost

Daily prayer: 10th Sunday after Pentecost

O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: Increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that, with you as our ruler and guide, we may so pass through...

Daily prayer: William Reed Huntington

Daily prayer: William Reed Huntington

O Lord our God, we thank you for instilling in the heart of your servant William Reed Huntington a fervent love for your Church and its mission in the world; and we pray that, with unflagging faith...

Olympics opening and The Last Supper

Olympics opening and The Last Supper

Among the fruits of comfort and privilege is outrage. When I saw the binary-bending da Vinci tableaux during the Olympics opening ceremony last night, I said to myself, “Katy bar the door.” You can...

Daily prayer: Parents of the Virgin Mary

Daily prayer: Parents of the Virgin Mary

Almighty God, we remember in thanksgiving this day the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and we pray that we all may be made one in the heavenly family of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who with...

Daily prayer: For peace

Daily prayer: For peace

Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be...

Daily prayer: For the human family

Daily prayer: For the human family

O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down...

A visit to St. Simon’s/San Simón, San Fernando

A visit to St. Simon’s/San Simón, San Fernando

Lay leaders at historic St. Simon's Episcopal Church/Iglesia Episcopal de San Simón in San Fernando say they’re still in operation only by the grace of God — but surely they themselves are avenues...

Daily prayer: Mary Magdalene

Daily prayer: Mary Magdalene

Almighty God, whose blessed Son restored Mary Magdalene to health of body and of mind, and called her to be a witness of his resurrection: Mercifully grant that by your grace we may be healed from...