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The Rt. Rev. Silvestre Romero, bishop of Guatemala and son of a bishop, is spending the week in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, visiting St. Stephen’s Hollywood and St. Barnabas Eagle Rock, IRIS Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Service, Los Angeles, All Saints Riverside, and St. Michael’s Riverside Episcopal Ministry Center; meeting with priests in charge of Spanish-speaking congregations, the diocesan staff, and our border committee, coordinated by the Rev. Canon Patricia O’Reilly; comparing notes with The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego’s missioner for migration ministries, our former colleague Troy Elder; and addressing Diocesan Council tomorrow and (if you want to hear him live) preaching and celebrating Sunday at Episcopal Church of the Messiah – Santa Ana, CA. Watch The Episcopal News for more details. Tonight I took him and his old friend and colleague the Rev. Canon Anthony Guillen, missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries for The Episcopal Church, to dinner in Echo Park. The conversation ranged from hemispheric politics to getting out of the Holy Spirit’s way when it comes to Hispanic/Latino/Latina ordained vocations.