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THE FOUNDATION FOR SENIOR SERVICES will present “Aging Mastery: A Series of Healthy-Living Life Skills for Older Adults” at St. Francis’ Church, Palos Verdes, on five Thursdays beginning Oct. 3 and concluding Nov. 21.

The program, developed by the National Council on Aging, encourages mastery-developing behaviors that will lead to improved health, stronger financial security, and overall well-being. The series of 10 topics combined into five sessions will provide information and techniques on how to live a longer, healthier, safer and well-cared for life as well as how to make and maintain small but impactful changes in health behaviors, financial well-being, and enrichment in later life.

Each session will begin at 10:30 a.m. and conclude at 12 p.m. at St Francis’ Church 2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates. Topics are:

Thursday, October 3: “Navigating Longer Lives – The Basics of Aging Mastery” – An introduction to the program and its philosophy, with a special emphasis on the new realities of aging, making the most of the gift of longevity, and taking small steps to improve health, financial well-being, and quality of life.
Thursday, October 10: “Exercise and You” and “Sleep” – Discussion of the importance of aerobics, strengthening, flexibility, and balance as they relate to aging, with a focus on strategies for incorporating physical activity into daily routines, along with an overview of how sleep patterns change as we age, the importance of monitoring the sleep cycle, and simple strategies to improve sleep.

Thursday, October 17: “Healthy Eating and Hydration” and “Falls Prevention” – A review of nutrition as it relates to aging, with a focus on strategies for incorporating healthy eating and hydration into daily routines. An overview of the importance of falls prevention among older adults, and strategies to prevent falling.

Thursday, November 7: “Advance Planning” and “Healthy Relationships” – Guidance about key steps needed to manage health care, financial and housing/care decisions, with a focus on considering the role of personal values and beliefs in these decisions. Exploration of the benefits of being socially active, as well as the risks of isolation, with a focus on practical strategies for continuing to build and strengthen friendships and family connections.

Thursday, November 14: “Medication Management” and “Financial Fitness” – Best practices covering how to take medications as directed, how to store medications safely, and how to keep track of multiple medications.Introduction to strategies for remaining economically secure in an era of longevity with an emphasis on setting financial goals and setting financial boundaries with friends and family.

Thursday November 21: “Community Engagement” and “Graduation” – Introduction to the value of continuing contribution for individuals and for society, with a focus on identifying personal aptitudes for meaningful volunteer and civic opportunities. Graduation includes gifts for participants who have completed the sessions.

To register for the program call the St. Francis Church office at 310.375.4617. More information is here.