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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It has been an honor and a privilege to have served you all in the Diocese of Los Angeles these past five-and-one-half years. This past August I received a call to become Assistant Bishop of New York, and I have accepted that call. God willing, I will begin this new ministry on the East Coast April 1, 2016. The Diocese of New York is, on this day, holding its 239th Annual Convention, and Diocesan Bishop Andrew Dietsche has just announced these plans in his address to the Convention.

The next several months will, of course, be busy! Bishop Jon is designating some time during our upcoming Diocesan Convention to celebrate our time together. And while the outline of my planned sabbatical has been adjusted, I will still be taking it from January 18 to March 18, 2016. During this time I will be spending two weeks in the Diocese of Cuernavaca (February 13-27) on the Fourth Annual Pilgrimage and Intensive Spanish Language Course; two weeks in Texas at a meeting of the bishops suffragan adjacent to the Spring House of Bishops’ Meeting (March 6-18); and at least one week (dates to be determined) on retreat.

To write that I am deeply grateful for this time of service in the Diocese of Los Angeles is an understatement. From the Summer of 2009 when I entered the search process for two bishops suffragan in Los Angeles, to and through today, this time has been filled with challenge, growth, sorrow, joy, outrageous diversity, monumental change, hard work, and joyful play. During my time here I’ve had the extraordinary opportunities of working with so many committed people in the areas of Ecumenical and Interreligious Life, the excellent schools of the Diocese, the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Community, the youth and young adults, and the people of the northern part of the diocese. I will always hold dear so many unique experiences: the Consecration with Bishop Diane on May 15, 2010; diocesan conventions, clergy conferences, and ordination services which featured so many incredible people; the steady beat of weekly visitations to parishes and missions striving to further God’s Reign of love and justice in this world; Episcopal Nights at Dodger Stadium; the growing relationship with the Diocese of Cuernavaca; and travel to such places as Quito, Ecuador, Taiwan, Pine Ridge Reservation, Israel/Palestine, and (one of my favorite go-to places) Glendale! My partner of almost 30 years: Becki Sander, and I finally got married here due to the remarkable long-term work of so many of you in the struggle for marriage equality. And I am more than a little grateful that there is still some time in the next few months to continue to appreciate all that has happened.

The Episcopal Diocese of New York (for those who may want to know a little more), is geographically comprised of three city boroughs and seven upstate counties: Staten Island (where I was born!), Manhattan, and the Bronx; Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Ulster, Sullivan, Orange, and Rockland Counties. There are close to 200 parishes and missions; 60,000 baptized communicants in good standing; and more than a few church-related institutions that creatively engage with people where they live.

There will be more to come in the days ahead. For now, let me simply bear witness to that which holds us all together through thick and thin – the Love of God. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

God’s Peace to All,
+ Mary D. Glasspool

To the Diocesan Community

Dear Friends,

The Diocese of Los Angeles has been greatly enriched these past five-and-one-half years by the ministries of our two Bishops Suffragan, Diane Jardine Bruce and Mary Douglas Glasspool, both of whom will begin well-deserved sabbatical sojourns starting in January 2016.

Today, the Bishop of New York, Andrew Dietsche, has announced that Bishop Glasspool has accepted his invitation to serve as Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of New York beginning April 1. Please join me in congratulating Bishop Glasspool on this new chapter in her ministry, and in giving thanks for her remarkable ministry with us here in Southern California. We will have an opportunity at Diocesan Convention to express our thanks and best wishes to Bishop Glasspool as she returns to the region in which she was born and formed in the Episcopal Church.

Although we together feel a sense of loss and sadness at Bishop Glasspool’s departure, we can also share with her our ongoing support and appreciation for her many gifts and skills that she has shared with us so generously. Please keep Bishop Glasspool and her spouse, Dr. Rebecca Sander, and our diocesan community in your prayers as we move forward.

Together in Christ,
+ J. Jon Bruno
Bishop of Los Angeles