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At the 129th meeting of Diocesan Convention, now under way at the Ontario Convention Center, the first ballot — carried out this year for the first time by electronic voting —  is completed.

Elected by acclamation (running unopposed):

Director, Canterbury Irvine (Episcopal chaplaincy at the University of California, Irvine)
Susan Brown

Director, Canterbury USC (Episcopal chaplaincy at the University of Southern California)
The Rev. Catherine Wagar

Director, Canterbury Westwood (Episcopal chaplaincy at the University of California, Los Angeles)
John Hirning

Director, Corporation of the Diocese (two to be elected)
Stephen Ensberg
Ravi Verma

Member, Diocesan Council (clergy)
The Rev. William Wallace

Trustee, Diocesan Investment Trust
John Brunson

Secretary of Convention
Steve Nishibayashi

Member, Standing Committee (lay)
Ivan Gutierrez

Elected on the first ballot:

Director, Corporation of the Diocese (clergy)
The Rev. Michael Corrigan

Member, Diocesan Council (lay)
Ken Higginbotham

Board member, HFS (Holy Family Services)
Dedo Kidde

A second ballot will be taken on Saturday, Dec. 1, for the following offices:

Commission on Ministry, clergy and lay
Standing Committee, clergy