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“Women in Spiritual Leadership: Sharing Our Stories – Sharing Our Spirit” will be the theme of the 2019 Daughters of the King Fall Assembly on Saturday, Oct. 19.

The St. Columba’s DOK chapter in Camarillo will host the meeting in conjunction with the chapters at All Saints, Oxnard, and Saint Paul’s, Ventura.

The Assembly will begin with registration and fellowship (with continental breakfast) at 8 a.m. and will include a brief business meeting and announcement of this year’s recipient of the Bishop Gooden Memorial Scholarship Award.

The program will follow, and will feature a panel discussion with the Rev. Laurel Coote, interim priest at St. Mary’s Church (Mariposa), Los Angeles and a certified spiritual director; Suzanne Edwards-Acton, vice president of the H. Belfield Hannibal Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians and chair of the Program Group on Black Ministry for the Diocese of Los Angeles; and the Rev. Norma Guerra, associate priest at Church of the Messiah, Santa Ana, and St. Clement’s Church in San Clemente. More about the speakers is here.

Early registration is strongly encouraged. The cost is $15 if paid by October 14; $20 thereafter and at the door. To register, click here. For more information, contact Kimberly Cortner, DOK vice president at kcortner@lacort.com or Sheila Lowerre, treasurer, at sheilalowerre@gmail.com. St. Columba’s Church is located at 1251 Las Posas Road, Camarillo 93010.