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Hotel room reservations are now being accepted for the 2018 Diocesan Convention, to be held Nov. 30 – Dec. 1 at the Ontario Convention Center.

Reservations for any of the participating hotels may be made here. Hotels offering convention rates are: Doubletree by Hilton Ontario; Azure Hotel & Suites; and the Holiday Inn at Ontario Airport. All reservations must be made from the link above to get the special convention rates.

Pre-convention activities will begin on Friday morning with a mini-Ministry Fair, at which several workshops will be offered in two sessions. Topics and presenters will be announced in coming weeks.

The Friday night convention dinner will return to the schedule, with a program to be announced. A reception in the Exhibit Hall will begin at the end of the Friday afternoon session, at about 5:30; dinner will follow.

The theme for the convention, “Come Home, EDLA,” will be carried out in several aspects of convention, including morning, noonday and evening prayer, and the closing Eucharist. Bishop John Harvey Taylor has established several aspects of “home,” including diocesan unity and rich diversity; places of deep sacramental meaning and belonging; and prophetic social justice action.

Watch the Episcopal News Update and Weekly, and for further information.