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THE OFFICE OF BLACK MINISTRIES of the Episcopal Church invites Episcopalians of African descent to a seminary on “Healing From Internalized Oppression,” on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 13 – 14, at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul, 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles.

Through a series of modules, the internalized oppression curriculum educates participants about institutional, interpersonal, and internal oppression to facilitate a healing process that empowers people for transformational ministry in the name of Jesus. Among the topics to be covered:

  • “Shame = Silence + Secrecy + Judgment”
  • “The lies we’ve told and the new narratives we’re creating”
  • “Historical, theological, and social constructs of oppression”

Participants will be challenged to personally explore their life experiences through a didactic group process that invites them on a journey toward wholeness.

The Friday session will be 6 – 9 p.m.; dinner will be served. On Saturday, the program will begin at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 4 p.m.; continental breakfast and lunch will be served. For information and to register, click here.