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Gianluigi Gugliermetto

The Center for Spirituality at Christ Church, Ontario, will host “Jesus 101: Essentials of Christology,” part of its “Theology for Non-Theologians” series, on Thursday evenings, 7 – 9 p.m. on Sept. 26 and Oct. 3, 10 and 17.

Instructor will be the Rev. Gianluigi Gugliermetto, Ph.D., priest-in-charge at Christ Church. The course description reads, “Who was Jesus? Are there ways to uncover his original teachings? When and why Christians proclaimed the divine origin of Jesus? What does it mean to believe in Jesus? What bearings the historical doctrines about Jesus may have on our contemporary life? In this class, we will learn about such big issues from a variety of perspectives. No statement of faith is required to attend the class, yet each student will be required to reflect on a personal level.”

Required textbook is Jesus, Symbol of God, by Roger Haight, Orbis Books Maryknoll, NY, 1999 and later editions.

Gugliermetto, an Anglican theologian, conceives theology as an aid to develop a critical reflection and an in-depth approach to the Christian tradition. He has published on systematic theology, interreligious dialogue, theology and film. His main research interests are desire in theo/anthropology, spirituality, and ritual/liturgy.

Suggested donation is $120; scholarships are available. To enroll, contact Ashanti Smalls at Christ Church office, 929.983.1859 or christchurchontariocal@gmail.com. Christ Church is located at 1127 N. San Antonio Avenue, Ontario 91762.