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Canon Steven Nishibayashi, Secretary of Convention, has requested that candidates for diocesan offices to be elected at this year’s Diocesan Convention (Nov. 15 – 16) provide a video — taken on their phones — in which they identify themselves, their congregations, the office for which they are running, and a short statement of their reasons for seeking the office. Links to these videos will be provided along with the usual candidate information (photo, short biography and statement) in the Nominations pages of the convention website.

“To ensure balance between candidates we have established the following guidelines for the video,” Nishibayashi wrote in “Convention Notes,” his monthly email to clergy, lay leaders and convention delegates:

1. Maximum of 60 seconds
2. Neutral background
3. No additional editing
4. Your face must be clearly seen
5. Your voice must be clearly heard
6. The provided script must be followed

Video Script: Candidate for Elected Office
Hello, my name is (your name), and I am running for (office or position). As a member of (your church community and city), and the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, this is why I would like to serve: (up to 3 two-sentence bullet points).

Nominations are now open. A list of offices open for election (including clergy and lay deputies to the 2021 General Convention) and nomination forms can be found on the convention website.

Candidates must still submit a completed and signed nomination form to the Secretary of Convention, and send a clear, high-resolution photo, a 25-word biography and a 70-word statement (200-word statement for candidates for clergy or lay deputy to General Convention) to Canon Janet Kawamoto, editor of The Episcopal News, at editor@ladiocese.org. A page of detailed instructions on how to submit information is here.