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The Ministry Fair, themed “Equipping the Saints to Serve,” will return to the Diocese of Los Angeles on Saturday, March 7, 2020, hosted by Campbell Hall, the Episcopal school in North Hollywood. All are invited.

Organizers are seeking proposals for workshops in the following ministry areas:

  • Finance (e.g., managing church finances, narrative budgeting)
  • Stewardship (e.g., annual stewardship planning, preaching stewardship)
  • Christian Formation & Education (e.g., education opportunities available, how-to information and best practices)
  • Spirituality (e.g., prayer, discernment, journaling)
  • Communication (e.g., print communication, social media)
  • Worship (e.g., LEM training, multilingual worship, liturgical resources for times of need)
  • Church Leadership (e.g., workshops for treasurers or wardens, vestry best practices)
  • Mission & Ministry (e.g., outreach, serving our neighbors in need).

To submit a proposal, click here.

Watch the Update and the new Episcopal News Monthly (coming in late January) for more information about workshop offerings, registration and more. Campbell Hall is located at 4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Studio City 91607. Workshop topic suggestions may be sent to the Rev. Laurel Coote at laurelcoote@pacbell.net or Samantha Wylie at swylie@ladiocese.org.