You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including the Rt. Rev. Silvestre Romero, who just finished his time as bishop of Guatemala, and his spouse, Eva, for a rich conversation about multicultural competence and their next season of ministry … Steve Leland of Church of the Angels in Pasadena and the Order of St. John USA, with the commendation he had designed for me to sign for last weekend’s festivities (along with a message from the Board of Supervisors) … the wardens, vestry, and people of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, whom the Rev. Canon Thomas Quijada-Discavage and I met with for two hours last Thursday evening to talk about their next season of ministry … members of the diocesan altar guild, working on a new fair linen for the altar at diocesan convention Nov. 10 – 11; fellow pilgrims Canon Kathy Hannigan O’Connor and Geri Eisen, for lunch at the historic Kettle in Manhattan Beach, conversation about our Holy Land pilgrimage last March, and prayers for the peace of Jerusalem … the Rev. Canon Anthony Guillen, The Episcopal Church’s leading authority on Hispanic ministry, who as usual gave me wise advice and several promising referrals … and members and friends of The Guibord Center – Religion Inside Out and HousingWorks, to talk about chaplaincy to the unhoused and those who care for them.