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Click on the titles to read these stories about the 2020 meeting of Diocesan Convention, which was held online Nov. 14 – 15. Links to convention videos are also listed.

Virtual convention puts emphasis on servanthood, community and a new financial paradigm

Although in the midst of “Covid exile” with the number of new infections rising, Southland Episcopalians remain “servants of the Spirit of the risen Christ and not the spirit of the age,” Bishop John Harvey Taylor told nearly 1,000 Zoom, Facebook and YouTube viewers Nov. 14 during the 125th annual — and first-ever virtual — meeting of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.

Be brave, take risks, Canon Stephanie Spellers tells diocese at convention Eucharist

Diocesan Bishop John Harvey Taylor welcomed more than 2,000 Facebook and You Tube viewers to a Nov. 15 bilingual Spanish and English Eucharist from St. Paul’s Commons on the concluding day of the 125th annual – and first-ever virtual — meeting of the Diocese of Los Angeles.

Diocesan Convention 2020 Photo Gallery

The Diocese of Los Angeles’ first-ever virtual convention was held on Nov. 14 and 15, 2020. It was centered at St. Paul’s Commons, where Bishop John Harvey Taylor, Canon to the Ordinary Melissa McCarthy and a small crew of diocesan staff and officers — socially distanced and masked when in proximity — led the meeting and dealt with technical matters.

Officers elected by Diocesan Convention 2020

During the 2020 meeting of Diocesan Convention on Nov. 14, the following clergy and lay people were elected to diocesan offices, as certified by the judge of elections.


Convention videos

Watch the convention video here on YouTube and here on Facebook.

Watch the convention Eucharist here on YouTube and here on Facebook.

The sermon by the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers is here on YouTube.

The Convention Virtual Choir performance of “Christ has called us to new vision” is here on YouTube.

The Necrology of the 2020 convention is here on YouTube.