Engagement Across Difference
Exploring the Four Orders of Ministry
There are many gifts but one Spirit, and in the Episcopal Church there are many ways to be in ministry and four orders of ministry: lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons. This video presentation explores those four orders of ministry – their similarities and their differences — starting with their definitions in our Book of Common Prayer and through the first person stories of members of each of the four orders sharing how they live out their vocation in the world. The video is accompanied by a discussion guide for further conversation and exploration of what it means to live out our baptismal vows as members of the Episcopal Church.
Video link | Discussion Guide link
A Case for Love
There is no better antidote to the anxiety, polarization and division that dominates our civic discourse than coming together to share the inspiring witness of those making a case for love in the face of hate … a case for peace in a time of war … a case for hope in the wake of despair. “A Case for Love” is a documentary film feature using first-person stories to make the case that unselfish love can indeed change the narrative of conflict and demonization infecting our nation by building bridges across the differences that challenge us rather than walls that further divide us.
Visit the links below for more information as we continue together to make the Gospel case for love.
Christian Nationalism: Tackling the Truths of a Toxic Movement
A multi-media study guide is now available for a three-session opportunity to explore the what, why and how of Christian Nationalism using Pamela Cooper-White’s brilliant book “The Psychology of Christian Nationalism: Why People Are Drawn In and How to Talk Across the Divide.” Compiled as part of the ongoing commitment to the work of engaging across difference by the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, the study guide includes video introductions to each session by the Reverend Canon Susan Russell, ancillary readings and resources and reflection questions. It is available as a PDF here for those who wish to convene discussion groups in congregational or community settings. For more information, email srussell@ladiocese.org
Juneteenth National Independence Day (June 19) – sometimes known as Jubilee Day, Emancipation Day, Freedom Day or Black Independence Day – was named a federal holiday in 2021 by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden. It celebrates the end of slavery in Confederate states, which officially began with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. It took two and a half years more, until June 19, 1865, for slaves in Texas to be freed when victorious Union soldiers enforced the order. Regional celebrations of the day have been held since 1866.
The 2021 meeting of Diocesan Convention adopted a resolution establishing Juneteenth as a diocesan observance beginning June 19, 2022. The resolution also directs the Los Angeles deputation to General Convention to begin working toward inclusion of the holiday in Lesser Feasts and Fasts. Click here to read more about the Diocesan celebration
Click Here for resources and a liturgy from the Diocese of California.
Love is the Way: A five-week Lenten book study curriculum
A five-week Lenten study guide of Bishop Michael Curry’s book “Love is the Way: Holding Onto Hope in Troubling Times” is now available! Developed by One in the Spirit — our diocesan engagement across difference ministry — the curriculum is available in a downloadable PDF in both English and Spanish and is suitable for either group discussions or individual reflection. The study guide includes reflections from Canon Melissa McCarthy, the Reverend Antonio Gallardo, Dean Gary Hall, Missioner Gabriel Vasquez-Reyes and Bishop John Taylor — inviting participants to explore differences that challenge us while encouraging reflection on the love that binds us together: God’s love and the reflection of that love in human lives.
Want to listen on the go? Love is the way is available as a podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts:
More Resources:
- Sacred Ground — A ten-week film-based dialogue series on race and faith.
Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. The 10-part everyone series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. During the sessions, small groups will be invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity.
An offering of Sacred Ground is in the works for Spring 2022. You may register here — or contact Canon Susan Russell at srussell@ladiocese.org for more information.
- In Spirit & Truth: A Vision of Episcopal Worship – A five-week book study exploring essays on prayerbook and liturgical revision. https://www.churchpublishing.
The Episcopal Church continues in the journey toward prayer book revision – an issue that will be very much front-and-center at the 80th General Convention in July 2022. In the words of Dr. Sylvia Sweeney, convener of the Anglican colloquium, North American Academy of Liturgy: “Effective formation involves providing needed information, engaging in dialog around issues that people are passionate about, and allowing experience coupled with conversation to form and perhaps reform perspectives, attitudes, and postures in worship.”
In anticipation and preparation for that important work, the Diocese of Los Angeles will host an online opportunity for engagement on issues of prayer book and liturgical revision – convened by members of our Bishop’s Liturgical Commission and the One in the Spirit initiative.
Discussions will be framed by “In Spirit & Truth” – a volume of essays offered as an invitation to “an open conversation about the direction our worship life will move in response to our current historical, social, and religious context.”
| The curriculum is still under construction. Stay tuned for publication date.
Session 1: Reflection by the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy
| Chapters 1-2
Session Two: Reflection by the Rev. Antonio Gallardo
| Chapters 3-4
Session Three: Reflection by the Very Rev. Canon Gary Hall
| Chapters 5, 6 & 7
Session Four: Reflection by Missioner Gabriel Vasquez-Reyes
| Chapters 8, 9 & 10
Session Five: Reflection by Bishop John H. Taylor
| Chapters 11-12