Church of the Transfiguration, Arcadia, is a recipient of a June 2023 Annual Appeal grant.
[The Episcopal News] For projects ranging from repairing local church roofs to providing technology for regional ministries, eight grants totaling $63,500 were awarded from the diocesan One Body & One Spirit Annual Appeal by the Corporation of the Diocese at its June 20 meeting.
Nov. 1 is the application deadline for the Corporation’s next round of grants to be awarded Dec. 19.
The application packet and answers to frequently asked questions are online here.
The June grants – funded by 2022-23 Annual Appeal contributions, which as of May 26 totaled $267,011 raised by 201 donors in 306 gifts – were made to these recipients:
- The Church of the Transfiguration, Arcadia, $10,000 for replacement and repair of the campus air-conditioning and heating system;
- SJOM Inc., $10,000 for operating expenses of Adullam House, a Korean-language housing and supportive services ministry operated by the Rev. John Kim, senior associate at St. James’ in the City, Los Angeles;
- Instituto de Liderazgo Spanish-language leadership training program, $7,500 to be directed toward the purchase of technology for use of students;
- St. George’s, Riverside, $7.500 toward replacement of campus air-conditioning and heating units;
- St. Margaret’s, South Gate, $7,500 toward replacement of the church roof;
- St. Martin’s, Winnetka, $7,500 toward replacement of the church roof;
- Stillpoint, a ministry of spiritual direction and formation, $7,500 for the purchase of technology and implementation of hybrid programming;
- St. Simon’s, San Fernando, $6,000 toward replacement of doors on campus.
A full listing of all grants from the implementation of the program, launched in 2020 as an emergency appeal in response to challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, is here.