[The Episcopal News] Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Los Angeles, has added two new online formation classes for lay people and clergy. Both are required for the new lay ministry licensing program recently established for the Diocese of Los Angeles (read more here).
The fee for formation classes is $25. Click here for more information and to register.

Mary Tororeiy
Genesis 1 and 2: A Fresh Exploration of the Creation Stories
Mondays, Oct 2, 9, 16, Oct 23; 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Taught by popular Hebrew Scripture facilitator the Rev. Mary Tororeiy, this class will help participants learn how to read and understand Hebrew Scripture using the first two chapters of Genesis. The class will explore and contrast general themes from these two creation accounts, focusing on human identity, gender, and the natural world. Join this engaging and thought-provoking discussion.

Linda Allport, Gary Hall
Episcopal Identity
Wednesdays, October 25, November 1, 8, and 15; 7 – 8:30 p.m.
How would you describe the modern Episcopal Church – its theology, its worship and community, its history, its organization, and what you love about it – to a friend who has never experienced it? A deeper dive than a confirmation class, even cradle Episcopalians will learn something new about our church. Facilitated by the Very Rev. Gary Hall, president of Bloy House, and Linda Allport, dean. This class is required for all licensed lay ministries, except Eucharistic Minister, where it is recommended. It will be offered again in the Spring.

Suzanne Edwards-Acton
Tuesdays, November 28, Dec 5, 12, and 19; 7 – 8:30 p.m.
In accordance with a resolution of the 2000 General Convention that “the lay and ordained leadership of the Episcopal Church, including all ordained persons, professional staff, and those elected or appointed to positions of leadership on committees, commissions, agencies, and boards be required to take anti-racism training and receive certification of such training” the diocese now requires that every licensed lay minister complete training in understanding systems of oppression and how they affect the Episcopal Church and society in general. Facilitated by Suzanne Edwards-Action, MAPM, founder of My Work To Do. This class is required for all licensed lay ministries. It will be offered again in the Spring.