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[The Episcopal News] Join us for the 129th Annual Meeting of Convention of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Los Angeles, themed “Inside Out Church: Episcopal Identity in our Neighborhoods,” on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 8 and 9.

Plans are underway for a day-and-a-half in-person Convention at the Riverside Convention Center at 3637 5th Street, Riverside 92501.

In announcing this year’s theme, Bishop Diocesan John Harvey Taylor said, “What we do on Sunday is the launch pad for how we live as Episcopalians in a spiritually hungry world. The church becomes the diaconate writ large when it goes outside its walls.” Inside Out Church is an examination of the diocese’s work in chaplaincy, service, and advocacy.

Further, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women in the Episcopal Church, it is with great joy we will welcome the Rev. Carter Heyward, one of the historic Philadelphia Eleven, as special guest and keynote speaker at this year’s Diocesan Convention.

Convention will kick off with a reception and banquet dinner on Friday, Nov. 8 followed by a screening of the Philadelphia Eleven documentary film. Friday night activities are not limited to delegates – all are invited and encouraged to attend. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m.; tickets can be purchased on the convention website. The film is 90 minutes and will begin at 7:30 p.m., with complimentary snacks available. There is no charge.

The business session of convention will be called to order on Saturday morning with Holy Eucharist. Convention will adjourn at 4 p.m. The business session, including Eucharist, will be livestreamed on the diocesan Facebook page and YouTube channel. Spanish translation and ASL interpretation will be provided.

Coffee and concessions will be available throughout the day on Saturday. Tickets for a delicious buffet lunch can be purchased on the Convention website.

We will host the annual Exhibit Hall in the Upper Concourse. All are welcome to sign up to host a booth; tables are $35. More information about the Exhibit Hall and exhibitor registration can be found here.

The annual pre-Convention diocesan presentations will be hosted online in late October. Individual deanery assemblies will follow directly after the presentation in the same Zoom meeting. Meeting dates are:

Deaneries 3, 4 & 5
Saturday, October 19, 10 a.m.

Deaneries 6, 7 & 8
Saturday, October 19, 2 p.m.

Deaneries 1, 2, 9 & 10
Sunday, October 20, 3 p.m.

Additional information about meals, hotels, schedules, agendas, and more will be posted on the convention website and emailed directly to delegates. Clergy and church administrators; make sure to submit your lay and clergy delegate certificates as soon as possible so that your representatives will receive these important updates and instructions. All forms can be found on the website.

We look forward to seeing you at Convention

— Canon Steve Nishibayashi is secretary of convention. Samantha Wylie is convention coordinator.