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Jana Milhon-Martin, director of the Center for Lay Chaplaincy, staffs a listening booth. Photo: CFLC

[The Episcopal News] The Center for Lay Chaplaincy (CFLC) of the Diocese of Los Angeles will offer two units of Clinical Pastoral Education this Fall: a traditional unit and a new curriculum, according to the Rev. Jana Milhon-Martin, director. Both are intended for lay Episcopalians who would like to increase their pastoral skills for chaplaincy work and their personal faith development.

Clinical Pastoral Education, or CPE, is a multi-session training program for certified chaplains. CFLC aims to expand the role of chaplaincy beyond traditional institutions by training and then placing chaplains in contexts such as food banks, community service centers, county jails, parish ministries, or similar settings where a chaplain’s supportive presence would be a benefit. (See CFLC’s “Chaplaincy Everywhere” and “CPE for Everyone” programs.)

The traditional training provided this Fall will be an in-person unit for anyone interested in exploring certification. In the second program CFLC will offer a new curriculum, which has been under development for the past year. This research-focused cohort will be 12 weeks long and in person, and is perfectly suited for lay ministers who wish to develop their pastoral/spiritual care skills, and would rather not engage the requirements of national certification.

To learn more or schedule an information session, visit the CFLC website here or email Milhon-Martin at info@centerforlaychaplaincy.org.