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[The Episcopal News] Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) – a Washington D.C.-based ecumenical advocacy and education organization – will convene a live online town hall webinar at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8, to raise awareness about Israel/Palestine as Diocesan Convention prepares to welcome Anglican Archbishop Hosam Naoum of Jerusalem Nov. 11 – 12.

All are welcome to attend the 90-minute town hall, planned “to introduce leaders in the Diocese of Los Angeles to key issues that deter peace and justice in Jerusalem and Israel/Palestine,” planners say.

There is no charge for the webinar, and attendees are asked to register here.

Panelists are “speakers from Israel, Palestine and the United States who hold expertise related to geo-politics in Israel/Palestine, land annexation, the Palestinian Christian community, and U.S. advocacy related to the Middle East,” planners note.

Invited panelists include Yusef Daher, executive secretary, Jerusalem Inter-Church Centre; Ranan Issa, gender justice program manager at the ELCJHL Women’s Desk of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land; and Mustafa Abu Sway, Imam Al-Ghazali at Al-Aqsa Mosque and dean of the College of Islamic Studies at Al-Quds University. CMEP organizers are awaiting confirmation from a distinguished rabbi from Jerusalem to join the panel, which will be moderated by Kyle Cristofalo, CMEP’s director of advocacy and government relations. All will be welcomed by Los Angeles Bishop John Harvey Taylor.

Further information about the town hall may be requested from CMEP or the diocesan communications office at