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[The Episcopal News] The 81st meeting of General Convention will convene June 23 – 28 in Louisville, Kentucky.

A major portion of its business will be the election of the 28th presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church to succeed the Most Rev. Michael Curry, who will conclude his nine-year term in November of this year. On April 2 the nominating committee announced its slate: Bishop J. Scott Barker of Nebraska, Bishop Daniel G.P. Gutiérrez of Pennsylvania, Bishop Sean Rowe of Northwestern Pennsylvania, and Bishop Robert Wright of Atlanta. (Read more here.) A fifth candidate, Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe of Central New York, was added by petition. (Read more here.)

The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor will represent the Diocese of Los Angeles in the House of Bishops. Deputies from the diocese to the triennial meeting – elected at Diocesan Convention in 2022 – are:

Clergy deputies:
The Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, Canon to the Ordinary
The Rev. Antonio Gallardo, rector, St. Luke’s Church, Long Beach
The Rev. Fennie Hsin-Fen Chang, vicar, St. Thomas’ Church, Hacienda Heights
The Rev. Rachel Nyback, rector, St. Cross Church, Hermosa Beach

Clergy alternates:
The Rev. Canon Kelli Grace Kurtz, rector, All Saints Church, Riverside
The Rev. Dominique Piper, deacon, Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Placentia
The Rev. Guy Leemhuis, vicar, St. Luke’s of the Mountains, La Crescenta
The Rev. Canon Ian Davies, rector, St. Thomas’ Church, Los Angeles

Lay deputies:
Kathryn Nishibayashi, member, St. Mary’s Church (Mariposa), Los Angeles
Canon Andy Tomat, treasurer of the diocese
Thomas Diaz, member, All Saints Church, Pasadena
Alan Herendich, member, St. Columba’s Church, Big Bear Lake

Lay alternate:
Cameron Johnson, member, St. Cross Church, Hermosa Beach

Former first alternate Alan Herendich became the fourth lay deputy after the death of Canon Julie Dean Larsen on Sept. 11, 2023.

General Convention resources

The General Convention Office of The Episcopal Church recently released information about the June meeting, including the work-in-progress Reports to the 81st General Convention (better known as the Blue Book), the proposed budget, and the process of nominating candidates for election as the next presiding bishop.

The Blue Book
This compilation of reports from groups carrying out the work and governance of the church is available online. Additional reports will be added in the coming weeks.

2025-27 Proposed Church-wide Budget
During its January meeting, the Executive Council approved a budget presented by the new Joint Budget Committee. The budget proposal is now “locked” until General Convention, when it will be open for discussion and adoption. Learn more about the revised budget process.

House of Deputies Blue Book Podcast with Julia Ayala Harris
This new resource explores resolutions and topics that will shape the direction of GC81. Topics so far have included church governance and worship; mental health initiatives; formation and mission; and church structures.

‘Toward GC81’
A “roundup of updates, news, and events related to the 81st General Convention” issued by the Office of Public Affairs. Past issues are here. Subscribe here.

General Convention Office newsletter
Issues of the General Convention Office’s monthly newsletter are linked here. To subscribe, click here.

House of Deputies newsletter
The monthly newsletter may be read here in English and Spanish.

Visitors to General Convention
Online registration is open for visitors to the convention. An onsite registration area will also open June 21. Visitor registration fees for the entire convention are $150 in advance, or $180 at the site. The cost for day visitors is $50 per day. Youth ages 12 to 18 will pay $50 for the whole convention. Access to the exhibit area only is $20 per day.

Visitor registration fees allow access to all areas of General Convention, including visitor galleries in the House of Bishops and House of Deputies, legislative committee rooms and hearings, the exhibit area, and worship services.

All registrants will be required to show a photo ID and sign a liability waiver and photo release agreement when they pick up their badge at the registration area.

Young Adult Festival
Registration is open online for The Episcopal Church Young Adult Festival, scheduled to run during six days of General Convention in Louisville. The Young Adult Festival is designed for those ages 18-30 to meet peers from across the globe, pray and learn together, engage in the church’s legislative process, and help discern God’s call for The Episcopal Church. The deadline for participants needing housing is May 6; commuter registration deadline is May 31. Read more here.

Children’s Program
Discounted registration for a children’s day camp during GC81 has been extended to April 30. The cost is $45 daily for the first child; $35 daily for each sibling. Applications are also open for junior counselors and adult volunteers. Learn more here.

Episcopal Revival, June 22, 7-9 p.m. ET
This churchwide revival will be at the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, Kentucky, the night before the start of the 81st General Convention. The event — which will also be livestreamed on The Episcopal Church’s Facebook and YouTube pages — is free and open to the public. Learn more and register.

This article will be updated as new information becomes available.