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Delegates and clergy who find the thought of a virtual Diocesan Convention a bit daunting – and even those who are more at home with Zoom technology – will find extensive help on the convention website’s new “Tech at Convention” page, including opportunities for personal tech assistance.

The page has links to several videos and a written guide about participating and voting in the online convention, which will be held on Saturday, Nov. 14 (business session) and Sunday, Nov. 15 (online Convention Eucharist).

Video topics include:

  • Online voting
  • How to join a Zoom webinar
  • Using the “raise hand” feature (required of delegates who wish to speak during the convention)
  • The language interpretation function. Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish will be available throughout the convention.

Other videos, drawn from various sources, include more general information on browsing the internet with computers, iPads or iPhones.

Ara Arsenian, internet consultant for the diocese, is offering 15-minute one-on-one sessions for delegates and clergy who are unsure of how to handle the technical aspects of convention. To schedule an appointment Nov. 10 – 14, visit the Tech at Convention page and select a time. There is no charge. Available appointment times begin at 8 a.m. each day and continue through the day.

For other information about convention, including a schedule, visit the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page here.

In addition, the convention team strongly recommends that delegates take part in these two pre-convention information sessions:

Discussion of Proposed Canonical Change
The Rev. Canon Kelli Grace Kurtz, chair of the Program Group on Mission Congregations, will offer a discussion of the proposed canonical change affecting representation for non-traditional worshipping communities in the diocese. To register (in advance), click here. Text of the proposed change is here.

Discussion of 2021 Mission Share Fund Budget
With Canon Andy Tomat, treasurer, and the Rev. Michele Racusin, chief financial officer. To register (in advance), click here.

The convention website also includes information about nominees for diocesan offices, convention business, and the virtual exhibit hall, now online with listings for a wide variety of retailers, services and ministries from within the diocese and the wider church.

A practice session for delegates was held on Nov. 7. A recording of that session, available on the website here, may be helpful for delegates to view to learn more about convention proceedings.

Visitors and delegates who are “seat only” are invited to watch the livestream of Convention, both the business session and the Sunday concluding Eucharist, on the diocese’s Facebook and YouTube channels.