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Rabbi Daniel Roth addresses the CMEP online town hall meeting on Oct. 8. Photo: Screenshot

[The Episcopal News] Video of the Oct. 8 Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) webinar on issues that deter peace and justice in Jerusalem and the wider Holy Land is now online here.

Additional coverage is planned for the Episcopal News and diocesan social media engaging Diocesan Convention’s theme, “Back to the Holy City: The Hope of Christ in Our Time.”

The 90-minute webinar raises awareness as Diocesan Convention prepares to welcome Anglican Archbishop Hosam Naoum of Jerusalem Nov. 11 – 12 in Riverside and to provide background in advance of his keynote address.

The video opens with welcoming remarks from Los Angeles Bishop John Harvey Taylor, followed by insights from panelists with expertise in geopolitical issues, land annexation, the Palestinian Christian community, and U.S. advocacy related to the Middle East.

Participating panelists are:

  • Mustafa Abu Sway, a member of the Hashemite Fund for the Restoration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, and the Islamic Waqf Council in Jerusalem.
  • Yusef Daher, coordinator of the Jerusalem Liaison Office of the World Council of Churches.
  • Rabbi Daniel Roth, director of the Religious Peace Initiative (RPI) with Mosaica, where he oversees a network advancing both religious peace and mitigating crisis situations.
  • Suha Salman-Mousa, co-director of Mossawa, the Advocacy Center for Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, which promotes Palestinian Arab rights and a democratic society.
  • Daniel Seidemann, who has lived in Jerusalem since 1973, has been a member of the Israeli Bar Association since 1987 and a partner in a firm specializing in commercial law.

More about the panelists is here.

The panel was moderated by Kyle Cristofalo, CMEP’s director of advocacy and government relations.