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Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The Episcopal Church sees stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission. It’s about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity. The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles is committed to engaging and sharing practices and resources that lead to strong stewardship. 

Help is available for clergy, lay leaders starting stewardship campaigns

Members of the Program Group on Stewardship are available to help congregations with their stewardship campaigns.

Mr. Davey Gerhard (TENS)

The Rev. John Kim

Ms. Terry Knowles

The Rev. Canon Roberto Martinez-Morales


The Rev. Rachel Nyback

The Rev. Susan Scranton

The Rev. Jeffrey Thornberg

TENS: The Episcopal Network for Stewardship

The Diocese of Los Angeles maintains a membership in TENS, so all congregations may access its stewardship resources. The log-in for 2024 is Ephesians5:2 (note: case sensitive, no spaces). The website is here.

“The theme for the year is Walk in Love, a celebration of the joy and gratitude we have for God and our community that lead us to share our stories, our journeys, and our gifts. Our resources are making a special effort to lift up diverse voices as we share the stories that inspire us to share our wealth, works, and wisdom with our ministry.”  — TENS

Stewardship and Abundance: October 2020 Vestry Papers

What does faithful generosity look like during a pandemic? In Stewardship and Abundance During a Pandemic, Mark McKone-Sweet and Demetreus Gregg tell the story of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Poway, California, where the realities of this year were no match for the grace and generosity of God’s people.

Anyone in the church can confirm that stewardship is not a solo project. How do we mobilize and inspire stewardship volunteers and encourage collaboration? In Four Ideas for Stewardship Recruitment, Linda Buskirk shares practical ideas that will help transform stewardship ministry at your parish.

Stewardship practices are often deeply rooted and inextricably linked to our culture and traditions. In A Native Sense of Stewardship, Forrest Cuch and Michael Carney give us insight into the generosity of the Utes and their powerful trust in and connection with the Creator.

Money is not the only currency your ministry requires. Are we considering what God’s currencies may be? In Creating Year-round Stewardship with Holy Currencies, Bill Cruse explains key learnings from Eric Law’s Holy Currencies: Six Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries and the Kaleidoscope Institute’s Stewardship365 curriculum. This article is available in English and Spanish.

Stewardship Presentation Archive

Servants of the Spirit: Gifts for Ministry workshop
February 13, 2021

Narrative and Zero-based Budgeting

Presenter: The Rt. Rev. Diane Jardine Bruce, Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Los Angeles

Presentation (Powerpoint):

Zero Based Budget and Narrative Budgeting

PresupuestoBase Cero yPresupuestoenNarrativa


Episcopal Church Manual of Business Methods

Manual de Métodos de Negocios en los Asuntos de la Iglesia

Stewardship webinar September 12, 2020

Deepening our Stewardship Formation

Presented by Davey Gerhard, executive director of TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship)

Stewardship webinar August 1, 2020

Conducting a Stewardship Campaign in a Time of Pandemic

Presented by Davey Gerhard, executive director of TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship)

Stewardship Webinar July 11, 2020

Virtual Events: Ticketing, Auctions, Donations, & Best Practices

Stewardship Conference June 2020


It’s All About Relationship: Stewardship in the Time of Pandemic

Passing the Plate Online: Quick, Quick, Where Do I Click?

Latest Resources

For congregations who want a quick, cheap (not free — $45.00) stewardship campaign outline including 30 days of social media clips, here’s a good source for churches with no more than 500 members: Salt Project “Together For Joy”

Ask an Expert: How to Host Engaging Virtual Fundraising Events

Turning a Fundraising Dinner Into a Virtual Event

Stewardship Recommendations from CCS Fundraising

Program Group on Stewardship

Contact Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce
ext. 242 |  

Year-round Resources:

The Episcopal Network on Stewardship (TENS)

COVID-19 Response


One Body & One Spirit Emergency Appeal

All gifts to the One Body & One Spirit Emergency Appeal will be used to assist congregations, schools, affiliated institutions, and their employees most deeply affected by the pandemic and related economic crisis.

As you donate, please do not press submit more than once or refresh while your donation is processing. You will receive an acknowledgement receipt by email containing information about tax deductibility.

Thank you and bless you for your generosity and love.


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Donation Total: $50.00

Online giving: Options to explore for use in congregations

Any congregation seeking to add an online giving feature to its website can begin by reviewing and comparing available options such as the following which are among various systems in use around the Diocese of Los Angeles and wider church. The following list is only a sampling and comes with no official endorsement by the diocese. Additions to this list are welcomed and may be forwarded to media@ladiocese.org.

Vanco — Fees are said to be reasonable and an app is available for donors to download. Interfaces with CDM database. Can be viewed in place on website of St. James’, Los Angeles.


Square (Cash App)



Raiser’s Edge from Blackbaud

Givify – As used by All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Vista, Calif. (Diocese of San Diego)

See also 5 of the Best Church Online Giving Platforms – Featuring Tithe.ly, EasyTithe, Givelify, PayPal, Pushpay.