You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including Bishop Brenda Bos of the Southwest California Synod ELCA, who brought brilliant colleagues to St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park to talk about the possibility of joint ministry to the Arab diaspora in our region … the Rev. Paula Walker, newly ordained and consecrated in the Sacred Order of Deacons Saturday at Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church, Altadena, CA, where the gracious rector, the Rev. Carri Grindon, preached an uplifting sermon and their colleague, the Rev. Joseph Lane, celebrated Holy Eucharist … Jason Weiss, longtime stalwart of St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church and St. Margaret’s Episcopal School in San Juan Capistrano, for a rich conversation at Philippe the Original about church, school, and Orange County politics … and our neighbors at St. Paul’s Commons, the Immaculate Heart Community, about too many matters of mutual interest to name in one place.