You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including dear friends from St John Chrysostom Church in Rancho Santa Margarita, gathered in loving support of a grieving family; those celebrating our groundbreaking for affordable housing at St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church, Buena Park (whose former vicar and first rector, the Rt. Rev. Ed Little, remembers wondering “what God had in mind for the north 40” nearly a half-century ago); co-creators from Episcopal Communities & Services of our housing initiative, aiming to build on 25% of our 133 ministry center, mission, and parish campuses: Senior VP for operations Sharon K. Pewtress, CEO and president James Rothrock, board chair Cathy May, and trustee the Rev. Tim Hartley; and the Rev. Canon Thomas Quijada-Discavage and the Rev. Norma Yanira Guerra, helping Canon Kathy Hannigan O’Connor and me celebrate granddaughter Frannie’s sixth birthday.