On the eighth day of Christmas
It’s a blessing to recall
Eight father’s unioners
Seven tots a-toiling
Six great Granadians
Five Lambeth friends!
Four priests a-partying
Three mitered angels
Two cuddling canons
And wedging prayers into the Western Wall.

Episcopal Church of the Blessed Sacrament preschoolers assisting at groundbreaking for affordable and permanent supportive senior housing, August 2022.

At the 2022 Lambeth Conference

At Iglesia Episcopal Immanuel in El Monte

At the Western Wall in Jerusalem in August

Members of St. Andrew & St. Charles Episcopal Church in Granada Hills, taken during my visit in May 2022

The Very Rev. Bill Dunn, the Rev. Jane Gould, the Rev. Sharon Sheffield and the Rev. Susan Klein, pictured at the June ordinations at St. John’s Cathedral.

Canon Canon Jim White and the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy