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You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including the Rev. Samuel Pillsbury, visiting from Colorado, for a conversation about rehabilitative justice and the book he’s writing about jail ministry … Obispo Maximo Joel Ocop Porlares (center) of the Philippine Independent Church, visiting St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park with brother bishops, including our own Gerry Engnan, to discuss preliminary plans for a regional bishops’ meeting in Echo Park next fall … the Rev. Ádám Bak, a Roman Catholic priest from Hungary who’s preparing to be licensed in the Church of England … the Rev. Alfredo Feregrino of All Saints Episcopal Church Pasadena … the Rev. Dr. Michelle Baker-Wright of St. James’ Episcopal Church- South Pasadena, whom Kathy and I ran into during our evening walk … the Very Rev. Anne Sawyer and Canon Lurelean Gaines, acting dean and senior warden of St. John’s Cathedral, for an exciting conversation about the cathedral’s expansion with the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, the development team, and me … our superstar Episcopal Communities & Services affordable housing team, the Rev. Michael S. Bell, Sharon K. Pewtress, Cathy May, James Rothrock, and the Rev. Tim Hartley … and St. Paul’s Commons partners from the Immaculate Heart Community and Nefesh, to chat with Canon Bob Williams and me about what God is up to, bringing us all together in one place.