The Bishop's Blog

Thoughts and reflections from Bishop John Harvey Taylor

Daily prayer: For progress towards justice and peace

Daily prayer: For progress towards justice and peace

O God of all mercies, who placed your people under the singular protection of your Son's most holy Mother, grant that all who invoke the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, may seek with ever more lively...

Daily prayer: For Christian unity

Daily prayer: For Christian unity

Gracious and Almighty God, the Acts of the Apostles claims that at the beginning of the Christian movement, all the believers were together in one place, glorifying you and committing themselves to...

Daily prayer: for those affected by wind and fires

Daily prayer: for those affected by wind and fires

Loving God, we pray this morning for all in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles suffering from the wind emergency, including 25 staff and family members without power at Camp Stevens, those at St....

Amazing people in mid-December

Amazing people in mid-December

You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including the Rev. Jo Ann Cole-Weeks, retired vicar at Grace Episcopal Church in Moreno Valley as well as a retired...

Daily prayer: For help to heal the neglected

Daily prayer: For help to heal the neglected

Almighty and most merciful God, we remember before you all poor and neglected persons whom it would be easy for us to forget: the homeless and the destitute, the old and the sick, the immigrant...

Immigration solidarity at St. Paul’s Commons

Immigration solidarity at St. Paul’s Commons

Over 100 religious leaders and community organizers jammed the Great Hall of St. Paul's Commons, Echo Park on Sunday afternoon, a vanguard of compassion and expertise supporting immigrant workers...

An honorable mention for Archbishop Justin Welby

An honorable mention for Archbishop Justin Welby

Critics of Justin Welby, the 105th and outgoing archbishop of Canterbury, give him poor marks for empathy. As a member of The Episcopal Church, which Welby restored to full standing in the Anglican...

Daily prayer: To forsake sin

Daily prayer: To forsake sin

Merciful God, who sent your messengers the prophets to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation: Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, that we may greet with joy...

Daily prayer: Ambros of Milan

Daily prayer: Ambros of Milan

O God, who gave your servant Ambrose grace eloquently to proclaim your righteousness in the great congregation, and fearlessly to bear reproach for the honor of your Name: Mercifully grant to all...

Welcoming St. Nicholas, 2024

Welcoming St. Nicholas, 2024

To all the faithful in Christ Jesus in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles: I, John Harvey Taylor, by Divine Providence Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles, grant permission for Saint Nicholas,...

Daily prayer: Clement of Alexandria

Daily prayer: Clement of Alexandria

O God of unsearchable wisdom, you gave your servant Clement grace to understand and teach the truth as it is in Jesus Christ, the source of all truth: Grant to your church the same grace to discern...

Unmerited grace in seasonal travel

Unmerited grace in seasonal travel

Unmerited grace, or a glimpse of the promise of the realm of peace? Into the blizzard of seasonal travel nightmare stories, I sing of this glad tiding. May each reader be equally blessed this...