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The Bishop's Blog

Thoughts and reflections from Bishop John Harvey Taylor

Anniversary art

Anniversary art

On our 22nd anniversary, Kathy, sporting her The CFLC / Prism Restorative Justice colors, and I were among Frannie’s subjects for a portrait.

Daily prayer: The perfect kingdom

Daily prayer: The perfect kingdom

Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be...

Daily prayer: Independence Day

Daily prayer: Independence Day

God of righteousness and love, if your spirit infused the spirit of United States independence, it was not for the sake of one country or the several states but every soul they comprise. We perfect...

Daily prayer: The whole creation

Daily prayer: The whole creation

O heavenly God, who hast filled the world with beauty: Open our eyes to behold thy gracious hand in all thy works; that, rejoicing in thy whole creation, we may learn to serve thee with gladness;...

Daily prayer: Pauli Murray

Daily prayer: Pauli Murray

Liberating God, we thank you for the steadfast courage of your servant Pauli Murray, who fought long and well: Unshackle us from the chains of prejudice and fear, that we may show forth the...

Daily prayer: For the Church

Daily prayer: For the Church

Almighty God, you have built your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by...

A presiding bishop encounter at the Louisville airport

A presiding bishop encounter at the Louisville airport

General Convention has reconvened at Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport - SDF — at least, that’s how it seemed when Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry arrived, and all the energy gathered...

A final GC81 scrapbook

A final GC81 scrapbook

My last scrapbook from the busy last couple of days of General Convention in Louisville — old friends and new!

Leading with language on Israel-Palestine

Leading with language on Israel-Palestine

Is Israel’s brutal counterinsurgency in Gaza an act of genocide? Is Israel an apartheid state? It depends on whom you ask and where they stand. This week in Louisville, at the 81st General...

Daily prayer: Action against gun violence

Daily prayer: Action against gun violence

Merciful God, saying the name of Breonna Taylor, young people committed to the cause of reducing gun violence in the United States were our preachers Thursday at a midday ceremony during the 81st...

Daily prayer: General Convention, Day 4

Daily prayer: General Convention, Day 4

Gracious God, amid the work of convention and the joy of conventioneer fellowship, increase our prayerful mindfulness about our hosts and temporary neighbors and their storied history — racial...