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The Bishop's Blog

Thoughts and reflections from Bishop John Harvey Taylor

Daily prayer: Election of a presiding bishop

Daily prayer: Election of a presiding bishop

Gracious God, by your spirit of truth, guide the House of Bishops in their discernment as they elect our next presiding bishop today, and guide the House of Deputies as they consent. Through Jesus...

GC81, Day Three

GC81, Day Three

My scrapbook from day three of the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Louisville, including the formal nomination of our five candidates for Presiding Bishop, meeting with the Taiwan...

Daily prayer: Rainstorms and elections at GC81

Daily prayer: Rainstorms and elections at GC81

Mighty God, the dome of your creation grew suddenly darker this afternoon in Louisville and unleashed a summer deluge that Kentuckians took in stride but southern Californians reckoned as strange...

GC81: Official Day 2

GC81: Official Day 2

My scrapbook from day two of General Convention in Louisville, including a portrait of Canon Kathy, attending the joint session on the budget, Los Angeles’s mighty footprint, honoring a giant of...

Daily prayer: GC81, Day 2

Daily prayer: GC81, Day 2

Gracious God, by your grace you call us into the unity of Christ from our differing backgrounds and experiences. We offer you thanks for the deputation and other friends from the Episcopal Diocese...

GC81 – Official Day One

GC81 – Official Day One

My scrapbook from the first business day of General Convention in Louisville, beginning with breakfast and some conversation about the art of the possible with Canons Iyad Qumri and Kathy Hannigan...

Daily prayer: GC81 – Day 1

Daily prayer: GC81 – Day 1

Gracious God, as #GC81 gets officially underway, inspired by the saints before us and enlivened by the saints around us, may we keep the eyes of our hearts fixed on the saints who deserve to inherit...

General Convention: Arrival, testimony and revival

General Convention: Arrival, testimony and revival

My scrapbook from the unofficial first day of General Convention in Louisville, including hearing testimony on the Gaza war, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Haiti; a preview of resolutions to address...

Daily prayer: Arriving at General Convention

Daily prayer: Arriving at General Convention

Gracious and loving God, bless all who come to Louisville for #GC81 in a spirit of pride in our church, not because it’s perfect, but because, when we are at our best in love, justice, service, and...

Daily prayer: The way of the cross

Daily prayer: The way of the cross

Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: Mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may...

Daily prayer: For General Convention

Daily prayer: For General Convention

Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel for the renewal and mission of your Church at the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal...