Several people were elected to diocesan office during the Dec. 4 – 5 convention. They are listed here.
Standing Committee
The Rev. Betsy Hooper-Rosebrook
Rex Botengan
Diocesan Council
The Rev. Margaret McCauley
Samantha Wylie
Director, Corporation of the Diocese
The Rev. Elizabeth Habecker
John A. Tucker Jr.
Ravi Verma
Commission on Ministry
The Rev. Michael Olsen
Tim Halligan
Secretary of Convention
Janet Wylie
Director, Canterbury USC
Patsy Brierley
Director, Canterbury Irvine
William Gray
Director, Canterbury Westwood
Susan Smith
Judge of the Eccesiastical Court
The Rev. Jeffrey Bullock
Steve Nishibayashi
Trustee, Holy Family Adoption Services Agency
Tom Discavage
Director, Hillsides
Steve Nishibayashi