Liturgy & Music Resources
Liturgical Resources from The Episcopal Church
Resources for Common Prayer
A page offering liturgical resources authorized by The Episcopal Church, answers to FAQs about liturgical resources, and liturgy-related links.
Spanish, French Prayer Book translations
New, certified Spanish and French translations of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer are available online. The new translations were called for by the 2018 General Convention through and were prepared under the supervision of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM).
Existing Liturgies
Online links to available liturgical resources authorized and/or published by The Episcopal Church … including Inclusive Marriage Rites approved for trial use.
Liturgical Resources from the Diocese of Los Angeles
Healing after wildfire devastation
In response to the devastation across the diocese in the wake of the January fires, the Commission on Liturgy & Music is compiling and creating liturgical resources for prayer, reflection, and healing for use by individuals, communities, and congregations. If you have prayers, liturgies, or reflections to offer for inclusion, please forward to Canon Susan Russell at srussell@ladiocese.org
Blessing A Home Lost in the Fires
Blessing for the Ashes That Were Once a Home
Blue Christmas:
A Blue Christmas service is specifically designed to provide comfort and support to those who may be experiencing grief, loss, or sadness during what is traditionally a festive and joyful time of year– acknowledging and addressing these feelings by creating a space for reflection, healing, and remembrance:
The 2021 meeting of Diocesan Convention adopted a resolution establishing Juneteenth as a diocesan observance beginning June 19, 2022. The resolution also directs the Los Angeles deputation to General Convention to begin working toward inclusion of the holiday in Lesser Feasts and Fasts. More about the 2023 diocesan celebration is here.
LGBTQ+ Pride
The following resources are offered to enhance worship to and with the LGBTQ+ community during Pride Month (June) and throughout the year:
Season of Creation
It has become regular practice in many places throughout the Anglican Communion to celebrate a “Season of Creation” in the fall each year, usually including a church’s celebration of St. Francis. With Bishop Taylor’s permission, here is a set of resources curated by the Creation Care Leadership Circle of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts, and authorized for use by several bishops in the Episcopal Church. There are many such sets of resources, including from the Church of England and the Anglican Church of South Africa. We offer these authorized resources with encouragement to delve deeply into a liturgical season that centers “this fragile earth, our island home.”
An Independence Day Service of Lessons & Carols, offered by the Very Reverend Kay Sylvester, St. Paul’s, Tustin.
Bishops United Against Gun Violence
These liturgical resources will help you pray to remember, pray to lament, pray to mourn, and pray for peace.
Commemoration of the Ordination of the Philadelphia 11: July 29
The Episcopal Church marks the stained-glass ceiling shattering ordinations of the Philadelphia Eleven — the first women ordained to the priesthood — on its liturgical calendar on the anniversary of those ordinations: July 29. A description of the commemoration along with suggested prayers and lessons is available in English and Spanish. A link to the Feast Day of the Philadelphia 11 is also provided onThe Lectionary Page
Día de los Muertos/Day of the Dead
Christians in parts of Mexico and Central America keep All Saints’ Day (November 1) and All Souls’ Day (November 2) with special devotions to honor the dead and pray for them. These devotions have spread beyond their geographical origins in Mexico into other languages and cultures. For those who are observing this tradition for the first time, adapt it to your own needs and consider engaging in conversation with communities or individuals that have experience with this tradition.
Communities observing El Día de los Muertos are encouraged to consider the following principles:
1. Practices for keeping the Day include adornment of an altar or a sacred space to offer reverence for the dead, which may be placed in a home, church, or cemetery. Photographs of those being remembered are traditionally displayed. A place for prayer may be provided nearby.
2. Devotions may include prayers and thanksgivings for the dead. Resources for prayers may be found in the burial rites or the propers for All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.”