Good Samaritan Hospital joins PIH Health Network

[PIH Health Network] PIH Health announced on Dec. 23 that Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, has officially joined its integrated healthcare network. This addition brings PIH Health to 7,100 full-time employees,three hospitals totaling 1,130 licensed beds, and 26...

Estar Despierto

A MEDIDA QUE COMIENZA  la época de Adviento, saludos en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo al pueblo de Dios en la Diócesis Episcopal de Los Ángeles. Estas semanas ocupadas nos guían inevitable y gloriosamente hacia la Navidad. La fiesta de la Natividad ocurre en...

Awake! An Advent message

As the season of Advent begins, greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to the people of God in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. Advent is our season of maximum attentiveness. These busy weeks lead inevitably and gloriously to Christmas. The feast of the...