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Forms & Annual Reports

2024 Parochial Reports

A massive thank you to the administrators, treasurers, vestries, rectors, vicars, and more who take the time to fill out this detailed, time-consuming, and absolutely vital report!

The online portal to file the 2024 Parochial Report is now open. The deadline to file your report is March 1. 

From The Episcopal News Service: New web-based app automates Episcopal parish register portion of the annual parochial report

About Lay Delegates

Faith communities in the diocese are entitled to lay delegates in proportion to their communicants as reported to Convention the previous year. (Diocesan C&C, Article VI, section 16) Lay delegates to the 2025 Diocesan Convention are determined by the number of communicants reported on the 2023 Parochial Report.

Diocesan Institutions are entitled to 1 lay delegate.

Deaneries are entitled to 1 youth delegate (ages 14 – 22).

NOTE: Unless otherwise registered, Deanery Presidents and lay members of Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and Corporation of the Diocese will automatically be credentialed as Delegates to Convention with seat and voice (not vote).

About Clergy Delegates

All canonically resident, actually resident clergy of regular standing are entitled to a seat at Diocesan Convention. Those clergy also entitled to voice and vote are outlined in Article VI, Section 15 of the diocesan Constitution & Canons. 

Forms to Submit Items for Consideration

Resolutions proposed for consideration at Diocesan Convention 2025 must be submitted by August 29 (70 days before Convention) by a delegate to Convention eligible for seat, voice, and vote.

Proposed amendments of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles for consideration at Convention 2025 must be submitted by July 30 (100 days before Convention).

Nominations for elective office may be made from the Floor of Convention, but the deadline to be included in the booklet and on the website prior to Convention is October 29.

Financial Audits

Financial audits are due to the diocese annually by September 1. Audits must include a certificate or report of the audit as well as the audited financials, including but not limited to the year-end balance sheet and profit & loss statements. (Diocesan C&C, Canon VI, section 6.02)

If you have questions or require assistance, please contact the diocesan Finance office at finance@ladiocese.org or the Convention Coordinator at swylie@ladiocese.org.

Annual Ministry Report Form

Deacons, Retired, Non-Stipendiary, and Non-Parochial Clergy: Please submit this form 10 days in advance of Convention to be credentialed as a voting delegate. This form is due December 31 even if you do not plan to attend Convention.

Insurance information

Per Canon 6.03:
Each Parish and Mission shall at all times maintain policies of property, liability, and workers’ compensation insurance consistent with minimum standards established from time to time by the Bishop acting on the advice of the Corporation of the Diocese. Annually, each Parish and Mission shall report the following to the Treasurer of the Diocese for each policy of insurance:
1.) the name of the issuing insurer;
2.) the policy number;
3.) the effective and expiration date;
4.) the limits of liability of coverage; and
5.) such other information and documentation as may be requested by the Treasurer of the Diocese.

Contact Information

If your staff and/or contact information has changed, please complete a new Church Contact Information form.