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Elective Offices & Nominees

“Governance in The Episcopal Church is all about collegiality, collaboration, and community discernment. You offer a precious gift to God by putting your name forward to serve on these deliberative bodies and put your experience, insights, and creativity to work for the benefit of our whole diocesan family.” –Bishop John Harvey Taylor

CANTERBURY IRVINE (1 clergy or 1 lay for a one-year term)

CANTERBURY USC (1 clergy or 1 lay for a one-year term)

CANTERBURY WESTWOOD (1 clergy or 1 lay for a one-year term)

COMMISION ON MINISTRY, CLERGY (1 clergy for a three-year term)

The Commission on Ministry is required by The Episcopal Church Canons. The Commission advises and assists the Bishop in the implementation of Title III; in the determination of present and future opportunities and needs for the ministry of all baptized persons; and in the design and oversight of the ongoing process for recruitment, discernment, formation for ministry, and assessment of readiness. The Commission meets on four weekends a year and on other days as may be required.

COMMISION ON MINISTRY, LAY (1 lay for a three-year term)

The Commission on Ministry is required by The Episcopal Church Canons. The Commission advises and assists the Bishop in the implementation of Title III; in the determination of present and future opportunities and needs for the ministry of all baptized persons; and in the design and oversight of the ongoing process for recruitment, discernment, formation for ministry, and assessment of readiness. The Commission meets on four weekends a year and on other days as may be required.

CORPORATION OF THE DIOCESE, LAY (2 lay for a three-year term)

The Corporation of the Diocese oversees a variety of matters pertaining to finances, audits, insurance, taxes, legal documents, purchase and sale of properties, renovations, bequests, etc. The Corporation meets from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month on Zoom or at St. Paul’s Commons.

DIOCESAN COUNCIL, CLERGY (1 clergy for a three-year term)

Diocesan Council is a body of elected lay and clergy representatives from each Deanery and at-large who serve between meetings of Diocesan Convention to oversee the programs of the Diocese. The Council meets the second Thursday of the month from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Zoom or at St. Paul’s Commons.

DIOCESAN COUNCIL, LAY ( 1 lay for a three-year term)

Diocesan Council is a body of elected lay and clergy representatives from each Deanery and at-large who serve between meetings of Diocesan Convention to oversee the programs of the Diocese. The Council meets the second Thursday of the month from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Zoom or at St. Paul’s Commons.

DIOCESAN INVESTMENT TRUST (1 lay or 1 clergy for a four-year term)

This group oversees the administration of the Diocesan Investment Trust. The Trustees’ objective is to achieve reasonable income while seeking to preserve capital. The meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. (February, May, September, and December.)

HILLSIDES (1 lay or 1 clergy for a three-year term)

Hillsides is a premier provider dedicated to healing children and young adults, strengthening families, and transforming communities through quality comprehensive services and advocacy. We envision a world in which children and young adults, families, and communities are able to heal, grow, and thrive. Our values are quality care, respect, integrity, transparency, compassion, collaboration, and innovation.

HFS, ADOPTION & FOSTER CARE (1 lay or 1 clergy for a three-year term)

SECRETARY OF CONVENTION (1 lay or 1 clergy for a one-year term)

STANDING COMMITTEE, CLERGY (1 clergy for a four-year term)

The Standing Committee acts as the Ecclesiastical Authority when the Bishop is absent or incapacitated. The Committee provides advice and consent to the Bishop on property issues, presentment issues for clergy, recommendations from the Corporation, and other legal aspects of the Diocese. The Standing Committee has jurisdiction over and oversight of issues involving property of the Diocese. This includes all parish property, which is held in trust for the Diocese and The Episcopal Church. The Standing Committee participates in the consents to the elections of and consecrations of Diocesan and Bishops Suffragan for other Dioceses. The Standing Committee, acting on the recommendation of the Diocese’s Commission on Ministry, votes to approve or disapprove the admission of persons in the process to ordination.

STANDING COMMITTEE, LAY (1 lay for a four-year term)

The Standing Committee acts as the Ecclesiastical Authority when the Bishop is absent or incapacitated. The Committee provides advice and consent to the Bishop on property issues, presentment issues for clergy, recommendations from the Corporation, and other legal aspects of the Diocese. The Standing Committee has jurisdiction over and oversight of issues involving property of the Diocese. This includes all parish property, which is held in trust for the Diocese and The Episcopal Church. The Standing Committee participates in the consents to the elections of and consecrations of Diocesan and Bishops Suffragan for other Dioceses. The Standing Committee, acting on the recommendation of the Diocese’s Commission on Ministry, votes to approve or disapprove the admission of persons in the process to ordination.


The 82nd General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be in Phoenix, AZ in the summer of 2027.

Nominees who are not elected to serve as deputies are automatically nominated to serve as alternates to General Convention.


The 82nd General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be in Phoenix, AZ in the summer of 2027.

Nominees who are not elected to serve as deputies are automatically nominated to serve as alternates to General Convention.