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Resolutions & Amendments


The deadline to submit a Resolution for consideration is August 29.

Please email the Convention Coordinator at convention@ladiocese.org if you have any questions.

Resolutions submitted for consideration at Diocesan Convention 2025 (click the title for the full text)

About submitting Resolutions:

Resolutions proposed for consideration at Diocesan Convention 2025 must be submitted by August 29, 2025 by a delegate to Convention eligible for seat, voice, and vote. (Only Resolutions regarding issues of magnitude arising during the 70-day period may, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Resolutions or by a simple majority vote of the Meeting of Convention, be brought before the Delegates for their consideration.)

The following must be considered prior to the submission of any Resolution:

  • Does this Resolution conflict with The Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church or The Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Los Angeles?
  • Does this Convention have the authority to act or direct an entity included in the Resolution?
  • How will this Resolution be executed or assigned?
  • What is the financial or funding impact?

If the Resolution contains funding implications, a cost estimate must be included in the last resolve clause using this format:

“Resolved that the Joint Budget Committee* consider a budget allocation of $____ for the implementation of this Resolution.” (*Or indicate another entity.)

Resolutions for consideration by Diocesan Convention must be endorsed by two additional delegates, who must not be from the proposer’s congregation.

Resolutions proposed for consideration for referral to General Convention must be endorsed by three additional delegates who must not be from the proposer’s congregation.


The deadline to submit an amendment for consideration is July 30.

Please email the Convention Coordinator at convention@ladiocese.org if you have any questions.

Amendments to the Diocesan Constitution & Canons submitted for consideration at Diocesan Convention 2025 (click the title for the full text)

About submitting Amendments:

Proposed amendments of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles for consideration at Convention 2025 must be submitted by July 30, 2025. The proposed amendment will be sent to the Committee on Constitution and Canons for review before being presented to Convention.

If approved by a 2/3 majority vote at Convention, a proposed Constitutional amendment will be presented for a second reading at Convention 2026 to be voted on again.

If approved by a majority vote at Convention, a proposed Canonical amendment will take effect following adjournment of that meeting of Convention.