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Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

Thank you for engaging the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer; your intercessions are greatly appreciated within the diocesan community. The Cycle of Prayer is currently in the process of being updated. Additional months will be posted as they become available. Please send any corrections to media@ladiocese.org. Commemorations are drawn from the book A Great Cloud of Witnesses (Church Publishing, 2016).

April 2024

Tuesday, April 1 [Frederick Denison Maurice, priest]. Clergy: Judith Baldwin (1987), Roberta Morris (2012).

Wednesday, April 2, [James Lloyd Breck, priest]. Agencies: St. Anselm’s Cross-Cultural Community Center, Garden Grove (1976).

Thursday, April 3, [Traditional: Richard, Bishop of Chichester] Congregations: St. Richard of Chichester, Lake Arrowhead (1981).

Friday, April 4 [Martin Luther King, Jr.]. Clergy: Warner Traynham (1962).

Sunday, April 6 [Daniel G. C. Wu, priest]. Institutions: The Canterbury (Episcopal Communities and Services), Rancho Palos Verdes (1983).

Monday, April 7 World Mission Companions: Diocese of Jerusalem — Savior Church, Kufr Yasif; Savior Church, Zerka; Redeemer Church, Amman. Clergy: James Willems (1985).

Tuesday, April 8 [Mary (Molly) Brant (Konwatsijayenni), Witness to the Faith among the Mohawks]. Congregations: *Church of the Angels (The Bishop’s Chapel), Pasadena (1889).

Thursday, April 10 [William Law, priest; Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, scientist]. Organizations: The Order of the Daughters of the King (1885). Clergy: Stephen Huber (1999).Widows: Jane Ayres (Richard, 1990).

Friday, April 11 [George Selwyn, bishop of New Zealand, and of Lichfield]. Clergy: Philip Robb (1957), Rand Reasoner (1981), James Wright (2005).

Saturday, April 12 [Adoniram Judson, missionary]. Clergy: Mark Stuart (1980). Diocesan Clergy Renewal of Vows, St. John’s Cathedral.

Sunday, April 13. Widows: Phoebe Pao (Benjamin 1998).

Monday, April 14 [Edward Thomas Demby, 1957, and Henry Beard Delany, bishops]. Clergy: Anthony Guillen (1985).

Sunday, April 20, Earth Day. [John Muir, naturalist and writer, and Hudson Stuck, priest and environmentalist]. Clergy: Gene Bennett (1968). Widows: Adelle Yeaton (Gordon, 2007)

Monday, April 21 [Anselm of Canterbury]. Congregations: St. Anselm’s, Garden Grove (1953). Clergy: Robert Burton (1975), Thomas Quijada-Discavage (1989), Stephen Mung’oma (1991), Laurel Johnston (2007).

Wednesday, April 23 [George; Toyohiko Kagawa, Prophetic Witness]. Congregations: St. George’s, Hawthorne (1937); St. George’s, La Cañada (1968); St. George’s, Riverside(1962); St. George’s, Laguna Hills (1969). Widows: Betty Lee Edwards (Spencer, 2004), Nerice Cornelison (Robert, 2008), Mary Bruno (Bishop J. Jon, 2021). World Mission Companions: The Diocese of Jerusalem: St. George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem

Thursday, April 24 [Genocide Remembrance]. World Mission Companions: The Diocese of Jerusalem: St. Savior, Kuffer Yassif; St. Savior, Zerka; Church of the Redeemer, Amman

Friday, April 25, (Mark, Apostle). Congregations: St. Mark’s, Glendale (1889); St. Mark’s, Altadena (1907); St. Mark’s, Upland (1910); St. Mark’s, Downey(1924); St. Mark’s, Van Nuys (1925); St. Mark’s in-the-Valley, Los Olivos (1943). Schools: St. Mark’s School, Upland (1982). Clergy: Matthew Ahn (1967), Yein Esther Kim (2015).

Saturday, April 26 [Robert Hunt, priest at Jamestown]. Clergy: Judy Ming Lin, Deacon (2008).

Sunday, April 27 [Christina Rossetti, poet]. Clergy: Peter Krietler (1970).