Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
Thank you for engaging the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer; your intercessions are greatly appreciated within the diocesan community. The Cycle of Prayer is currently in the process of being updated. Additional months will be posted as they become available. Please send any corrections to media@ladiocese.org. Commemorations are drawn from the book A Great Cloud of Witnesses (Church Publishing, 2016).
July 2024
Tuesday, July 1 [Harriet Beecher Stowe, advocate; Pauli Murray, priest]. Clergy: Roberto Martinez (2000).
Wednesday, July 2 [Walter Rauschenbusch, Washington Gladden, and Jacob Riis, prophetic witnesses]. Clergy: Ian Davies (1989)
Thursday, July 3. Clergy: Richard Rubin (1984).
Tuesday, July 8. John Harvey Taylor (Priest, January 24, 2004; Bishop, 2017)
Friday, July 11 [Benedict of Nursia, abbot]. Clergy: Peter Haynes (1973).
Saturday, July 12. Clergy: Gary Bradley (1974).
Tuesday, July 15. Clergy: Joseph Erickson (1951), Dale Smith (1972).
Friday, July 18 [Bartolomé de las Casas, friar]. Clergy: Vincent Shamo (1985).
Sunday, July 20. [Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer, Sojourner Truth, and Harriet Ross Tubman, liberators and prophets]. Clergy: Abdias Avalos (1986)
Tuesday, July 22 [Mary Magdalene]. Congregation: La Iglesia de la Magdalena, Glendale (1971).
Friday, July 25 [James, apostle] Congregations: St. James’, South Pasadena (1904), St. James’ in the City, Los Angeles (1912), St. James’, Newport Beach (1946). Clergy: Dina Ferguson (2009).
Saturday, July 26 [Joachim and Anne, parents of the Virgin Mary]. Clergy: Jerome Kahler (1970).
Tuesday, July 29 [Mary, Martha, and Lazarus of Bethany]. Clergy: Eleanor Owen (Deacon, 2017).