Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
Thank you for engaging the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer; your intercessions are greatly appreciated within the diocesan community. The Cycle of Prayer is currently in the process of being updated. Additional months will be posted as they become available. Please send any corrections to media@ladiocese.org. Commemorations are drawn from the book A Great Cloud of Witnesses (Church Publishing, 2016).
May 2024
Friday, May 2 [Athanasius, bishop]. Congregation: St. Athanasius, Echo Park (Los Angeles, 1864). Clergy: Greg Frost (1981).
Saturday, May 3. Clergy: Sally Monastiere (2003).
Monday, May 5. Clergy: Gianluigi Gugliermetto (2016).
Wednesday, May 7 [Harriet Starr Cannon, religious]. Clergy: James Willems (1985).
Friday, May 9 [Ascension Day]
Monday, May 12. Clergy: Christopher Eade (1979).
Tuesday, May 13 [Frances Perkins, public servant and prophetic witness] Clergy: Argola Haynes (1999), Richard Estrada (2015).
Wednesday, May 14. Clergy: Katherine Clark, Caroline Diamond (1988); Aloha Smith (1989); Fairbairn Powers (1998).
Thursday, May 15 [Junia and Andronicus]. Clergy: Gerry Engnan (1980), Paul Collins (1981), Beverly Factor (1993), Diane Jardine Bruce (Bishop, 2010; Priest, January 17, 1998), Fran Cantella (2005).
Sunday, May 18. Clergy: Robert Pierson (2016).
Monday, May 19. [Day of Pentecost]
Wednesday, May 21. Clergy: Laura Siriani (Deacon, 2010).
Friday, May 23 [Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler, astronomers]. Clergy: Peter Ensor (1964), Roberts Smith (1975), Celeste Stump, Dennis Gibbs (Deacons, 2010).
Sunday, May 25 [Bede the Venerable, priest & monk]. Congregations: St. Bede’s, Mar Vista (Los Angeles, 1904).
Monday, May 26 [Augustine, first Archbishop of Canterbury]. Diocese of Los Angeles, incorporated 1896. Clergy: Doug McKinney (1982), Kelly Crawford (1990).
Tuesday, May 27 [Bertha and Ethelbert, Queen & King of Kent]. Clergy: Michael McKee (1972).
Wednesday, May 28 [John Calvin, theologian]. Clergy: Jane Gould (1987), Robert Edwards (1988).
Friday, May 30 [Joan of Arc, mystic & soldier]. Clergy: Colville Smythe (1972).
Saturday, May 31 [The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary]. Clergy: Konrad White (1973); Darry Lee (1980); Mary Hill Atwood, Will Wauters (1981). Patricia McCaughan (1998).