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The Bishop's Blog

Thoughts and reflections from Bishop John Harvey Taylor

Juneteenth and the work yet to be done

Juneteenth and the work yet to be done

It’s hard to read the raw statistics without cringing. Sixty percent of the U.S. population is white but just 30% of those in federal prison. Just over 12% of us are people of African descent...

Daily prayer: Juneteenth

Daily prayer: Juneteenth

Almighty God, you rescued your people from slavery in Egypt, and throughout the ages you have never failed to hear the cries of the captives. We remember before you our siblings in Galveston, Texas...

Turtle attack?

Turtle attack?

"Watch out for the turtle, daddy!" Not really. Just a proud daughter on Fathers Day. A longtime member of St John Chrysostom Church in Rancho Santa Margarita, Andy Guilford, snapped this photo as...

Daily prayer: Bernard Mizeki

Daily prayer: Bernard Mizeki

Almighty and everlasting God, who kindled the flame of your love in the heart of your holy martyr Bernard Mizeki: Grant unto us your humble servants a like faith and power of love, that we, who...

An Episcopal power couple

An Episcopal power couple

The Rev. Jessie Smith, specialist in interfaith ministry, is rector of St. Ambrose Episcopal Church in Claremont, which thanks to her leadership is preparing to build affordable housing on their...

Daily prayer: Marina the Monk

Daily prayer: Marina the Monk

Give us grace, Lord God, to refrain from judgments about the sins of others; that, like your servant Marina the Monk, we may hold fast to the path of discipleship in the midst of unjust judgments;...

A reminiscence on Fathers Day

A reminiscence on Fathers Day

My most vivid memory of my father, Harvey, is him driving around the block three times on the way home after taking me for a haircut. I was nine or ten. We lived in Detroit, on the east side. My...

Daily prayer: Father’s Day

Daily prayer: Father’s Day

Keep, O Lord, your household the Church in your steadfast faith and love, that through your grace we (and especially, this day, we fathers) may proclaim your truth with boldness, and minister your...

Daily prayer: Day of rest

Daily prayer: Day of rest

Almighty God, who after the creation of the world rested from all your works and sanctified a day of rest for all your creatures: Grant that we, putting away all earthly anxieties, may be duly...

EfM Graduation

EfM Graduation

My scrapbook from today’s EfM Education for Ministry graduation ceremony at St. Paul's Commons, Echo Park. We honored 21 students from ten Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles missions and parishes,...

Juneteenth Celebration at St. John’s Cathedral

Juneteenth Celebration at St. John’s Cathedral

When a Union general proclaimed in Galveston 159 years ago today that the enslaved people of Texas were at last to be considered free people, the Civil War was over. The so-called confederacy had...