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Virtual Exhibit Hall – Diocesan Convention 2023

Kaleidoscope Institute

About the Kaleidoscope Institute

In 2006, the Rev. Dr. Eric H. F. Law founded the Kaleidoscope Institute (KI) to continue the ministry that he started in the late 1980s. As a Christian, his focus has always been: How can he follow Christ’s call to seek and serve Christ in every person and respect the dignity of every human being? What started out as a need to help himself and others around him to address race and diversity issues in faithful and constructive ways has developed into many useful tools and processes to empower churches and community organizations to do personal reflection, small group work, and community transformation. He published books that became the training material and consultation resources for organizations that want to further their leadership development, organizational vitality and stewardship. Eric is aware that he cannot share his writings and methods in one-day or two-day workshops and cannot attend every conference he gets invited to; so KI is the way to get these tools in other’s hands to develop diverse and sustainable communities.

Through KI, Eric and his Associates have put together a system of practices, models, theology, and skill sets all in one place, so that individuals and groups that want to gain a deeper understanding and stronger practice of this ministry resource may come to learn and share their experiences. The resources of KI have continued to grow and expand over the years offering consultation, intensive training institutes and local workshops that deliver comprehensive leadership programs including intercultural competency, anti-racism training, building inclusive community, new ministry incubation, stewardship, community transformation and congregational vitality. The Institute now consists of a network of accredited Facilitators and Associates who can facilitate a wide range of programs including:  creating missional and sustainable ministries, transitional ministries, skills for building inclusive community, gracious leadership training, visioning process, community transformation, inter-group dialogue (such as programs addressing race, gender, language, generation, sexual orientation, religion, etc.), and event design and facilitation.