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Meals & Lodging

Diocesan Convention 2024 will be Friday and Saturday, November 8 and 9, at the Riverside Convention Center. EDLA has contracted with the Marriott, Mission Inn, and Hyatt Place for a group rate on rooms Nov. 8.

The Riverside Marriott

Marriott reservation page
The Group Rate will automatically applied. Includes discounted parking and complimentary Wi-Fi.

The Mission Inn Hotel & Spa

Mission Inn reservation page
The Group Rate will automatically be applied.

The Hyatt Place

Hyatt Place reservation page
The Group Rate will automatically be applied.


Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women in the Episcopal Church, it is with great joy we welcome the Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward, one of the historic Philadelphia Eleven, as special guest and keynote speaker of this year’s Diocesan Convention.

Convention will kick off with a hospitality reception and banquet dinner on Friday, November 8 followed by a screening of the Philadelphia Eleven film. Learn more at https://www.philadelphiaelevenfilm.com/

Friday night is not limited to delegates – all are invited and encouraged to attend!

Dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m. and tickets can be purchased here. The film is 90 minutes and will begin at 7:30 p.m. with complimentary snacks. There is no charge for the film screening.

Coffee and concessions will be available throughout the day on Saturday. Tickets for a delicious buffet lunch can be purchased here.

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EDLA will have childcare providers onsite to care for children ages 0-12 during Convention from 8am to 4pm on Saturday in a breakout room adjacent to the Raincross Ballroom. Toys, activities, snacks, and meals will be provided.

Please fill out this form to pre-register for childcare. There is no charge for childcare, but donations to help offset costs are gratefully accepted. If you’d like to donate with a check, please make it out to the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and write “Convention Childcare” in the memo line.