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The Episcopal News, Late Summer 2019

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From Bishop Diocesan John Harvey Taylor:

Defying gravity

As we marked the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing in July, we saw plenty of old film of the mighty Saturn V taking off from the Kennedy Space Center. That’s what it feels like listening to Michael Curry, our presiding bishop, preach.

Preparations under way for Diocesan Convention at new time, old location

Theme of Nov. 15 –16 meeting in Riverside will be ‘Lifelong Spiritual Learning’; Dolores Huerta will deliver Parker lecture

Many aspects of Diocesan Convention will be the same as always this year; lay and clergy delegates representing congregations of the diocese will hear reports of recent work, cast ballots for diocesan officers (including deputies to the 2021 General Convention), consider resolutions and canonical tweaks, and worship together. What’s different is the time and place.

Dean Kelly Brown Douglas of Washington National Cathedral to keynote Bishop’s Dinner on Nov. 2

The third annual bishop’s dinner will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2 in the nave of St. John’s Cathedral, Los Angeles. Keynote speaker will be the Rev. Kelly Brown Douglas, Ph.D., dean of Episcopal Divinity School at Union Theological Seminary, and canon theologian at Washington National Cathedral. The event will honor Joe Costa, president and chief executive officer of Hillsides, a service agency and diocesan institution that works with at-risk children and families.

‘One in the Spirit’ initiative calls diocese to new levels of bridging societal differences

A new diocesan initiative will help Southland Episcopalians and diverse conversation partners bridge polarizing societal differences — a unique skill-set of “Anglican comprehensiveness,” Bishop John Harvey Taylor announced June 30 during the Rector’s Forum at All Saints Church, Pasadena.

Los Angeles UBE chapter hosts ‘family reunion’ of Black Episcopalians from the diaspora

The July 22-26 national gathering of the Union of Black Episcopalians, hosted by the Los Angeles diocese’s H. Belfield Hannibal chapter, offered a good old-fashioned “family reunion” of spirited worship, community service opportunities, Sacred Resistance, Black Lives Matter and mental health activism workshops, tours of Black Hollywood and the California African American Museum, and a visit to the bishop’s residence.

Presiding Bishop tells young Episcopalians: ‘We must help America find its soul’

Michael Curry challenges the church to get ‘souls to the polls’ with voter education drive

A Union of Black Episcopalians youth worship service became a call to action July 24 when Presiding Bishop Michael Curry took the pulpit at All Saints Church in Pasadena, California. Curry urged the UBE leaders, youth, several hundred local worshippers and visiting conference-goers to consider, “between now and next year, leading a massive voter registration and education drive and a get-out-the-vote campaign.”

Credit Union helps dreams come true for people — and churches, too

A loan from the Episcopal Community Federal Credit Union, helped transform St. Paul’s aging facilities in Pomona into an elegant venue for weddings, quinceañeras and other cultural and community events. “We had been racking our brains; we were operating out of a deficit and trying to reduce it by doing everything we could,” according to the Rev. Mark Hallahan, St. Paul’s rector.

Singing star, clergy spouse Debby Boone will light up Bishop’s Concert

Debby Boone’s 1977 chart-busting single “You Light Up My Life” sold five million copies, earned her instant star status and a best-new-artist Grammy, and still is considered among Billboard’s Hot 100 songs of all time. Yet, the singer, actor and author says she was surprised by its success.

In Covina, rite celebrates a new name, affirms identity for transgender Episcopalian

For Jennifer Gonzales, 49, participating in a June 7 Service of Renaming at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Covina, California, near Los Angeles, was claiming her authentic self. “I knew I was transgender from a young age, even though I did all the boy stuff – biking, skateboarding,” Gonzales told Episcopal News Service after the ceremony. “My mom didn’t know, really. One time I told her, ‘Mom, I’m transgender.’ She laughed at me.”

Rowan Williams, 104th archbishop of Canterbury, to take part in centennial celebration at St. Mary’s Church, Palms

A distinguished guest at the 100th anniversary of St. Mary’s Church in Palms, Los Angeles, will be the Rt. Rev. Rowan Williams, 104th archbishop of Canterbury, who retired from that post in 2012. Williams will celebrate and preach at a “pontifical high Mass” on Sunday, Sept. 22 at 5 p.m.